Interested in learning more about what the Rocky Mountain Chapter board does and how it operates?

Board meets on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

Consider joining our chapter board of directors. To learn more, attend a monthly board meeting.

The Rocky Mountain Chapter of BetterInvesting exists to serve and support the BetterInvesting clubs and individual members in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Wyoming. The Board of Directors is made up of a great group of dedicated people. We work hard to offer educational classes, the Model Stock Investment Club, our annual Investors Education Day, club visits and other services. Board meetings for the Rocky Mountain Board are held online on the third Monday of the month except for August and December. We strive to keep our meetings short and focused on our mission -- serving Rocky Mountain Chapter members.

Chapter members are invited to attend and learn more about how the board functions and provide information to the board. To attend, email: [email protected] for details or click on this link at the scheduled meeting time.

To continue offering these kinds of education programs, we are seeking some new volunteers and board members. What we need most are associate directors, who serve one year in a non-voting capacity and then, if they are interested, move up to a full director position the following year. Being an associate director gives you a chance to see how the board operates before making a commitment to a longer term.

Why volunteer?

If your intention is to learn to invest using the BetterInvesting methods - helping teach them to others increases your knowledge of the tools and sharpens your analysis. To help you do that BetterInvesting provides you a free subscription to the SSG+ tool, along with other benefits. Best of all, you meet a lovely group of new friends.